The Best Non-Electric Bathroom Dehumidifiers

A bathroom is the most in the entire house where humidity arises. It air holds the highest amount of moisture, just ahead of the kitchen and basement. As a result, household furniture made of wood tends to rot faster when placed in the bathroom. Hence, necessitating the need for a moisture remover, precisely a shower dehumidifier or one of the non-electric dehumidifiers.

Any moisture remover used must be a desiccant dehumidifier or cordless humidifier for a bathroom as a result of the frequent exposure to water splashes that could cause many problems if they come in contact with electrically powered units.

As a result, battery-powered dehumidifiers for bathrooms are the most preferred option for dealing with moisture problems, though they may not be as efficient as the electrically powered models.

Top 5 Non-Electric Bathroom Dehumidifiers

1) HYDROSORBENT Silica Gel Dehumidifier

Special features: 900g silica gel, item weight 2.2 pounds, product dimensions; 2 x 1.5 x 4 inches, renewable, cordless.

Best non electric dehumidifier for bathroom-Hydrosorbent

The HYDROSORBENT dehumidifier is a very portable and efficient device. It is a moisture absorber, since it has no mechanical parts or circuitries. The device is tiny and you can easily place it in any corner of a bathroom. Its relative weightlessness ensures that mobility is never an issue.

The non-electric dehumidifiers hold a 900g silica gel in quantity, which can absorb a high amount of moisture, and should last for a week. This duration could, however, vary based on the moisture quantity it’s dealing with and other atmospheric conditions. It also has a pretty impressive moisture absorbing rate, hence being able to drop moisture to a safe level in a relatively short period.

Designed for enclosed spaces, this product serves large enclosed areas of up to 66 cubic feet; hence, it can cover most bathrooms in modern houses today. In the event of saturation, the silica gel turns from blue to pink, alerting the user of a need to be baked.

Being baked is a term for drying up the moisture accumulated by the silica gel, and it should be done by placing the dehumidifier in an oven till its blue again. This takes about 3 hours or more, but a maximum of 5.


  • Effective Moisture Removal
  • Reusable and Economical
  • Convenient Reactivation Process
  • USA-Made Quality
  • Versatile Application


  • Limited Coverage Area
  • Specific Heat Requirement for Reactivation

2) SnapSafe 75902 Safe Dehumidifier Lg Cylinder

Special features: canister dehumidifier, 5-inch diameter, renewable, cordless, silica gel.

SnapSafe 75902 Safe Dehumidifier Lg Cylinder

The SnapSafe 75902 dehumidifier takes a much different turn in shape and design than the hydrosorbent. It is like a can, with holes all over, through which moisture is absorbed. You can’t see the silica gel , as it is enclosed in the canister. It is a pretty mobile and weightless device, only about 2 pounds, while its small size allows it to fit virtually anywhere.

The dehumidifier serves large enclosed spaces of up to 60 cubic feet; therefore, it is undoubtedly among our recommended list for your bathroom with a high moisture-absorbing rate and holding capacity. In short terms, depending on atmospheric conditions, it can do your dirty moisture work for up to 2 weeks before needing a recharge.

When recharging, the time taken is even shorter than the hydrosorbent model, only requiring 2 hours placed in a 3250F heated oven, after which you are good to go. Since the silica gel used in the canister is not visible, a small portion of gels is confined at the top side in a visible container for visual monitoring aid, turning pink when moisture is saturated and otherwise after proper baking.


  • Effective Rust Prevention
  • Indicator System
  • User-Friendly
  • Unlimited Recharges
  • Lifetime Warranty


  • Limited Coverage
  • Recharge Process
  • Manual Recharge Requirement

3) Pro Breeze Renewable Cordless Mini Dehumidifier 

Special features: Renewable, cordless, item weight 15.2 ounces, silica gel

Pro Breeze Renewable Cordless Mini non electric Dehumidifier 

The Pro Breeze Mini Dehumidifier takes the design of a classic pro breeze dehumidifier, which is really small and mobile, containing tightly packed silica gel that has just a small transparent opening for easy monitoring. It can fit into the smallest of spaces, and only weighs about 15.2 ounces. The recharge medium of this dehumidifier is somewhat different from all reviewed so far.

Pro Breeze designed this product to serve tiny and enclosed spaces like wardrobes, closets, drawers, or bathrooms. Its silica gels are tightly packed, and should they get out, they are zero percent toxic to the environment, including kids and pets. This makes the device pose less danger while used at home.

The dehumidifier makes use of electricity for baking purposes. On getting saturated, the silica gels become orange in color from initially being green, after which the device is to be plugged into an electric socket and allowed to bake till the gels become green again. It, however, lasts very long before needing a recharge, being able to absorb moisture for about 20 to 30 days.

Wrapping things up, it is pretty easy to use, while lasting very long, though not suitable to be used in extremely high humidity areas. Purchasing this device also attracts a one year warranty, has you covered in case of poor quality, which is barely a risky investment. Recharging this device takes a lot of time, anywhere between 8 to 10 hours precisely, which is a downside.


  • Effective Moisture Removal
  • Cordless Convenience
  • Safe and Non-Toxic
  • Space-Saving and Portable
  • Easy Monitoring and Recharge


  • Limited Coverage Area
  • Recharging Time
  • Recharge Frequency

4) New and Improved Eva-dry E-333 Renewable Mini Dehumidifier

Special features: Renewable, cordless, silica gel, item weight; 1 pound, hook for easy hanging.

New and Improved Eva-dry E-333 Renewable Mini Dehumidifier

The Eva-dry E-333 renewable dehumidifier is basically a bunch of tightly packed silica gel, in a durable plastic body. This design ensures it is only 1 pound in weight, which we must say is basically weightless and very much suited to small enclosed areas of the home.

The silica gel is designed to be non-toxic for the sake of children and pets in the environment. Hence it isn’t going to constitute biochemical hazards should the case get damaged. The front side harbors a so-called indicator, which is basically a see-through portion of the device for monitoring the saturation level of the silica gel. On saturation, the beads turn green from orange.

This humidifier is, however, designed only to absorb about 8 to 10 ounces of moisture, which is very small, making it not suitable for serious moisture problems. It, however, lasts longer before needing to be baked, being able to work anywhere between 3 to 8 weeks, depending on atmospheric conditions and usage.

Another downside to using this device is its recharge time after saturation. On saturation, get ready to leave your device plugged in for anywhere between 8 to 10 hours before the beads turn back to its default orange color. A 5-year warranty is also attached to purchasing this device, making its overall package a good deal for users.


  • Easy to use
  • Cordless
  • Renewable: You don’t need to buy new ones every time it fills up. 
  • Safe and non-toxic
  • Long-lasting: The device can last up to 10 years (the recharge beads need replacement every 30 days)


  • Limited capacity
  • Slow process
  • Needs frequent recharging
  • Not suitable for severe mold or moisture problems

5) DAMPRID DR Drop Container + 2 FS TABS-SIOC Moisture Absorber 

Special features: Dr. Drop container, 2 FS TABS-SIOC moisture absorber, fragrance additives.

DAMPRID DR Drop Container + 2 FS TABS-SIOC Moisture Absorber

The last dehumidifier on our list for review is the Dr. Drop Container, which is another budget-friendly product from damprid dehumidifiers. Being built for minimal moisture problems is next to ineffective when placed in any other condition. The product is basically a little container with a moisture absorber.

The primary moisture absorbing material is the FS TABS-SIOC material, which is not precisely like the silica gel, but is instead a more significant and broader single substance and is not as effective as the traditional method of getting many silica gels together.

It is, however, mobile and effortless to use while also affordable and comes with two FS TABD-DIOC moisture absorber, with one as a standby replacement when the other gets saturated. Being not renewable is another downside to using this device, compared to other silica gel dehumidifiers.

This damprid product should only be considered for minimal moisture problems due to its low capacity and life span, although it is very cheap and easy to use in general. It also gives out a good sent to the environment, while dragging in the rotting smell associated with high moisture.


  • Fast-Acting Moisture Absorption
  • Drop-In Tab Technology
  • Reusable and Mess-Free
  • One of the non-electric dehumidifiers
  • Easy to Use


  • Limited Coverage Area
  • Refill Dependency

These bathroom condensation dehumidifiers reduce condensation to the bare minimum, leaving a clean, dry atmosphere at all times. Many of these devices are rechargeable dehumidifiers; hence they don’t use fans and other fancy parts. Instead, they employ the old method of using desiccants like silica gel to absorb moisture from the air, which is then dried off when saturated.

Silica gel itself is a natural dehumidifier due to its high moisture-absorbing rate. However, it is instead packaged and installed as a bathroom dehumidifier wall mounted to take the best possible moisture-absorbing position.

How do you dehumidify without electricity?

How to dehumidify without electricity? Simple, make use of non-electric dehumidifiers. They mostly refer to them as moisture absorbers or desiccant dehumidifiers, and you do not need any source of electricity to get the moisture out of the air.

One could also apply other traditional means, including proper aeration of the bathroom and thoroughly mopping spilled water off the floor after bathing.

Do these dehumidifiers work in the bathroom?

Maybe at one point in the past, you have tried using a dehumidifier in your bathroom and the end, got little or no result, making you question the relevance of the effectiveness of these devices in the bathroom; you should know that they are. Dehumidifiers are effective, but it all depends on the user.

Units that have done work in most areas result from poor matching. We mean that matching a low-capacity device with a large area will yield next to nothing. Therefore, humidifiers work in bathrooms only when their capacity is large enough to cover the bathroom area.

Also Read: Best Dehumidifier under 100 dollar

Why do you need to remove moisture from your bathroom?

The accumulation of excessive moisture in any environment is not right, due to the numerous impact it could have on objects, as well as humans. Results of over humidification include the growth of molds and bacteria in the bathroom, including walls, clothes, and anything wood made in the area. This mold causes paint to fall, as well as to weaken the wall over time while causing wood and other cloth material to rot.

It wouldn’t be long before these moist armies find their way to other places in the home, creating polluted air, which, when breathed in overtime, is sure to cause infections in the human body. Except you somehow like to see your bathroom like this, it is essential you get rid of moisture accumulation in the bathroom, and what better way to this by using a dehumidifier.

Also Read: Best Dehumidifier for mold Removal

Features to consider in choosing the best non-electric dehumidifiers for bathroom

Moisture absorbing capacity:

Arguably, the most crucial feature to consider in non-electric dehumidifiers, especially one intended to be used in a bathroom, is the amount of moisture it can trap at a time. This should be on the high side due to the high moisture content of home bathrooms today.

Worktime before recharging:

The duration of which a unit can work before needing recharge or baking is very important for the convenience of the user. Having a device that needs attention every three days isn’t comfortable, trust me, especially when you need to spend about 3 hours before it is completely set to go another round.

Recharge time:

This is the amount of time the silica gel in a moisture absorber would need to be baked before being fit for another round of moisture removing. In essence, the shorter the recharge time, the more available your dehumidifier would be for keeping the area moisture-free. Devices with longer time would spend more of its life span recharging, rather than keeping moisture away.

Electric vs. Non-electric dehumidifiers for bathroom

Electric dehumidifiers are not recommended for bathroom use, regardless of how safe they appear. Though they are generally more effective than the non-electric cordless dehumidifiers, they pose a high risk of electrocution when used in water and moisture-filled areas like the bathroom.

For this reason, only electric dehumidifiers are recommended, as they use no moving parts; neither do they need to be powered by electricity,making them friendly to moisture and water spillages and entirely safe for users to leave unattended to in the bathroom.

Also Read: Best Dehumidifier for closet

Bathroom dehumidifier vs. exhaust fan: what you should use

Before we go on to answer this question, let us simply talk a little bit about using the dehumidifier and exhaust fan for removing moisture from the air. The exhaust fan is typically mounted close to the host humidity concentrated areas, which is also leading to a properly ventilated space, most times outdoors. They work by pulling out air from the bathroom, pushing it outwards to the environs, while also giving space for air to flow inwards from the outside.

The dehumidifier, on the other hand, as we know, removes moisture directly from the atmosphere and traps it either in silica gel or a designated tank. Now using an exhaust fan could be pretty useful until the very humid seasons, whereby the external environs are already humid enough and wouldn’t have any of that extra moisture your fan pushes to it. This renders the fan ineffective. A dehumidifier, on the other hand, is able to draw moisture irrespective of seasons, which make is therefore recommended for bathroom humidity problems.

Also Read: Best Dehumidifier for Laundry room

Conclusion: Our Pick as the Best non-electric Dehumidifier

The HYDROSORBENT 900 Gram SG-900 is our recommended product of the best non-electric dehumidifiers for bathroom and other closed spaces with high moisture levels in the home. This is mainly due to its high moisture absorbing rate and capacity, as well as having unlimited life, meaning it can last till it something odd happens.

The SnapSafe 75902 is also a good pick a dehumidifier for bathrooms, coming with a porous canister design that allows more space for absorbing moisture, and contains a right quantity of silica gels. The high amount of silica gels helps it hold a very high quantity of moisture, and it also has an unlimited life span like the hydrosorbent.

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