The discomfort and irritation that can come from allergies have always been difficult for those who suffer from such afflictions. Roughly 50 million individuals are thought to experience various allergies, including mold, dust mites, and other environmental triggers. The pervasiveness of these concerns prompted many to seek out the very best air purifying technology and the highest-quality air conditioning filter systems.
Allergies tend to flare up when temperatures and ambient humidity are high. Thus, if you are among those who suffer from either seasonal allergies or chronic, year-round troubles, a top-notch HVAC filter is critical to keeping your home comfortable and your allergies under control. By learning what sorts of filters are most effective at rooting out allergy triggers, you will be well on your way to creating the everyday environment you and your family deserve.
It is important to note that an efficiently functioning air conditioning system can regulate humidity within the home, which can help slow the proliferation of allergy-exacerbating elements, including mold, mildew, and bacteria. For an HVAC filter to have this effect, the entire system will require proper maintenance that encompasses routine cleaning and changing of air conditioning filters.
Should a washable HVAC filter be the option for your home, ensure it is thoroughly rinsed at least once each month. For disposable filters, it will be essential to discard them once every couple of months so that the indoor environment remains as clean and healthy as possible.
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Top 5 Best HVAC filter for allergies
1) Nordic Pure 20x25x1M12-6 MERV 12 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filters 20x25x1 6 Pack
Special features: MERV 12 rated, Electrostatic AC filter.
The Nordic Pure MERV 12 anti-allergen pleated air filter is an electrostatic AC filter that traps those microscopic allergy-causing agents. It can capture dust mites, pet dander, hair, lint pollen, and even baking flour. The electrostatic properties of this filter attract these micro-particles to it, ridding your environment of up to 97.8% of these allergens.
The synthetic material of these air filters discourages the growth of bacteria, mold, etc. The high MERV rating of 12 means it can be used in wide spaces, making it a better choice for people with more severe allergies. You will feel the difference in the air quality once you start using this filter.
These air conditioner filters for allergies also serve as furnace filters and filter smoke and dust. It also filters several odors, especially smoke. Using these air filters in your AC and furnace makes filtration better and more effective. It is highly recommended for those with more aggressive allergies.
- Capture 97.8% of microscopic airborne allergens
- Electrostatic characteristics make filtering more effective
- Doesn’t support the growth of bacteria, mold, etc.
- Budget-friendly
- Restricts air flow
- Requires more frequent replacement
2) FilterBuy 16x16x1 MERV 8 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filter
Special Features: 12 pleats per foot, recycled board, MERV 8.
The Filterbuy 16x16x1 pleated air filters are designed to be high-quality and long-lasting. It has 12 pleats per foot, provides more surface area, and can filter up to 90% of possible allergens from the air. The frames are made with recycled beverage board, which lasts long, even through periods of high humidity and high temperature.
These air filters are designed to last up to 3 months at a go and are non-washable. They can be used as furnace filters as well as AC filters. They come in a pack of 6 at a budget-friendly price, so you don’t have to replace your HVAC filters for months.
A MERV rating of 8 makes it a better choice for house use. It traps dust, pollen, lint, pet dander, and other household allergens, improving indoor air quality and allowing you to enjoy the things you’re allergic to without suffering from allergies.
- Budget-friendly
- MERV 8 rating
- Gets rid of 90% of allergens
- Easy to install and use
- Long lasting
- Can only be used in small rooms
- Allows room for microscopic allergy-causing agents
3) Filtrete 20x20x1, AC Furnace Air Filter, MPR 1000, Micro Allergen Defence, 4-Pack
Special features: Micro allergen defense, 1000 MPR, MERV 11, Filtrete 365 program.
Using the Filtrete micro allergen defense AC/ Furnace air filters in your HVAC system turns it into a home air filtration operation. It is one of the best AC filters out there. It captures various sizes of particles, from lint, and pollen, to microscopic ones, like smoke and smog.
It is washable and has a 1000 microparticle performance rating (MPR), equivalent to a MERV rating of 11. This makes it a better choice for people who suffer from seasonal or year-round allergies. Though it doesn’t have electrostatic properties, it can still pull and attract up to 90% of the airborne allergens in your home.
When you buy this product, you can create a Filtrete 365 profile to get filter change reminders and customized home tips based on your environment. While this product is washable, changing your filter every 90 days is recommendedto ensure a clean and healthy home environment.
- 1000 MPR, MERV 11
- Washable
- Traps smoke and smog
- Interactive use with the Filtrete 365 program.
- Micro allergen defense
- Not budget friendly
- Restricts air flow
4) AIRx HEALTH 18x20x1 MERV 13 Pleated Air Filter
Special features: MERV 13 raring, traps and locks ultrafine particles, high pleat count.
The AIRx HEALTH pleated air filter has a MERV rating of 13, making it a top choice for people who have easily triggered allergies. It has a good filtration system because it uses more pleats per square inch than other filters of its size and high-efficiency filter media.
The AIRx protects you from common household allergens, contaminants, and small particles like smog, bacteria, viruses, and respiratory irritants. Pet dander is no match for this air conditioning allergy filter; neither is smoke. It is highly recommended for people that have pets they are allergic to. It allows you to keep the things you love without suffering for them.
This product’s high MERV rating means it works extra hard at filtering the air in your home. This means that it gets dirty faster and requires replacement more quickly. Fortunately, the AIRx comes in a pack of 6 at a fair price.
- MERV 13
- Filters microscopic allergens and respiratory irritants, bacteria, viruses.
- Protects your HVAC system from clogging with dust, making it more efficient and saving energy.
- Compatible with pets
- Budget-friendly
- Restricts air flow
- Requires frequent replacement
5) Aerostar 16x25x1 MERV 8 Pleated Air Filter
Special features: Electrostatic properties, MPR 600, MERV 8, 13 pleats per foot.
These filters are a better choice if you don’t have very serious allergies or don’t own a pet. While these filters do an excellent job of filtering out dust, pollen, hair, and other household allergens, it doesn’t eliminate pet dander and many of the microscopic allergens in the environment. It is best suited for people that aren’t easily triggered.
These AC filters are made with an electrostatically charged synthetic material that attracts and captures airborne allergens. When used as a furnace filter, it keeps your HVAC system running efficiently and reduces strain on the motor while preventing dust and dirt from entering the air.
These air filters are very budget-friendly and easy to install. It is recommended that during regular times of the year, the filters should be changed every 60 to 90 days. However, during summer and winter, when your air conditioning unit is used more frequently, it should be changed every 30 days.
- Electrostatic properties
- Budget-friendly
- Easy installation
- Restrict air flow
- Not suitable for use with aggressive allergies
- Not very compatible with pets
HVAC Air filter vs. Air purifier: Which is better
As shown above, air purifiers are the most capable when it comes to the purification of indoor air to the cleanest. This is because the primary function of an Air purifier is purification, and this unit often consists of up to 3 to 4 purification subunits that can filter to 99.97%. On average, a household dust particle is 0.5 microns in size, while mold spores and pollen are over 10 microns. HEPA air purifiers can remove particles as small as 0.3 microns in size.
However, as shown in the image above, HVAC is not primarily designed to purify the air but to control and monitor the flow of cold and hot air as needed. But you can still rely on the air conditioner filter for some moderate filtration for allergies, smoke, and other pollutants. This is only partially reliable as some allergens are microscopic.
An air purifier is always the best choice when it comes to purification and filtration. Still, your air conditioner’s filter also has a unique role in filtration, provided the particles are not very small. For maximum effectiveness, HEPA air purifiers should be used with conventional AC filters to trap the microparticles left by the AC filters. This is best, so the HEPA filters need less frequent cleaning and replacement.
Also Read: Best air purifier on the market
What type of air filter is best for HVAC?
Allergies can be caused by mold spores, dust, dirt, lint, pet dander (dry skin flakes and hair particles from pets), pollen, smoke, etc. Since these are all airborne, your home HVAC system has a significant role in keeping your allergies far away from your home.
Sometimes, your air conditioning/HVAC system can aggravate your allergy symptoms. Cold air is passed through air ducts in the walls and sometimes the attic. This leads to condensation and mold formation and can get into your home. Also, your air conditioning system can spread these allergens around.
Fortunately, proper maintenance of your HVAC system can reduce your allergy symptoms. A good air conditioning allergy filter is your best chance at improving indoor air quality. All HVAC filters are categorized using a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, a MERV rating.
This rating of the best air filter is based on the AC filters’ ability to remove various-sized irritants and allergens from the air. Filters for allergies should be picked according to how aggressive your allergy symptoms are. The best allergy air filter should have a rating of at least 8. Anything less might not be as useful.
Some of the best AC filters are electrostatic filters. These filters attract particles using an electric charge. They can be washed and reused. It is recommended that you change your HVAC filters every three months or sooner if they appear dirty.
Which way does air conditioner filter go? : Which side of air filter faces out?
Some filters are easy to install and come with directions from the manufacturer. However, it is advised that your HVAC filters should be fixed by a certified HVAC technician. If you don’t have the technical know-how, you might end up putting your filter backward. Also, it might end up bent, giving room for unfiltered air to enter your home.
The consequence of wrongly installing an AC filter is that your furnace/AC will be forced to blow air through the non-porous end of the filter. This will result in overworking your system and higher energy consumption. It also leads to decreased indoor air quality. Instead of removing debris from the air, the filter will help to spread them, leading to a clogged filter and unhealthy air.
Unlike before, the air filter is now very easy to fix and is what you can set yourself. Most filter now has the airflow direction arrow pointing to the direction the filter must be inserted. To further help you, most filters are designed so that they wouldn’t fit in rightly unless it has been correctly fixed.
When installing a filter, ensure the filter’s dimensions match the available space in your unit to avoid gaps through which allergens can enter. Also, make sure the porous end faces the room.
Do air conditioners filter smoke, pollution, and allergens?
On its own, an air conditioner cannot do much about the allergens in the air, but with the help of AC filters, it can improve indoor air quality. These air filters rid the air of most of the pollutants and allergens in the air. However, there is a limit to how many of them it can trap.
The AC filters’ MERV rating determines the allergens it can remove from the air. Regular air filters can catch a substantial amount of pollutants from smoke, especially cigarette smoke, but a lot of the chemicals escape through them, posing a health risk.
The best way to filter smoke and pollution is to use a HEPA filter alongside the regular filter. These HEPA filters can catch air pollutants that regular ones may not see. These include most of the harmful substances found in cigarette smoke.
Factors to consider when buying an air conditioning allergy filter
- MERV Rating:
The minimum efficiency reporting value, also known as MERV rating, is a measurement scale used to rate the activeness of air filters at trapping particles in the range of 0.3 to 10 microns. The scale is from 1 to 16, with one being the least effective. AC filters with MERV ratings of 7 to 13 are recommended for residential use.
- Ease of installation:
It is essential to note the dimensions of the filters you intend to buy and the slots available in your HVAC system. This is to avoid getting filters that won’t fit properly and might interfere with indoor air quality.
- Durability:
AC filters are usually changed within 1 to 3 months. If you live in an area with a high level of pollution, it is recommended that you get a filter that can stay longer and won’t need very frequent replacement. You can also look out for washable filters that last longer.
- Size of the room:
Filters are made to serve small to medium-sized rooms. Finding the right filter for your space ensures that the filter is not overworked and, thus, rendered ineffective.
FINAL VERDICT : Best air conditioner Filter For Allergies
After reviewing the products above, one stands out as the best air conditioning filter for allergy: the Nordic Pure 20x25x1M12-6 MERV 12 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filters 20x25x1 6 Pack. This filter pack is rated MERV 12 electrostatic filter that rids the air of over 90% of the allergens. Its electrostatic properties attract allergens and pollutants and trap them.
This product clears the air of 90% of particles of 0.3-10 microns, making it the best allergy air filter on the list. It is budget-friendly and comes in a 6-pack, so you won’t have to buy more for months. Pet owners can also enjoy it.
If your allergic symptoms are not very aggressive, you don’t own pets, and you’re on a tight budget, the Aerostar 16x25x1 MERV 8 Pleated Air Filter is the right choice, especially if you live in a place with a low pollution rate.
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