How Often Should I Change The Water In My Humidifier?

It is well known that a humidifier plays a significant role during winter and summer. The device makes use of water to function effectively. 

However, I ‘ve come across several people who hardly pay attention to the water they use in their humidifiers. They use water that has been left in the machine’s tank for several days. They ‘re ignorant that harmful germs or molds may have accumulated in such water.

Are you aware that this is dangerous? 

Well, then let me tell you that if you put water that contains germs and harmful bacteria into your humidifier’s tank, the viruses and bacteria will spread into the air. As a result, you or members of your family can inhale air contaminated by these dangerous organisms, which can lead to infections or diseases. 

It, therefore, becomes an irony that the humidifier meant to protect and improve the health of you and your family will cause harm or put you and your family at risk.

Hence, I have written this article to educate you on how often to change the water in your humidifier to ensure it poses no such threat to you or any member of your family. 

Why You Need To Change The Water In The Humidifier Daily 

You must change the water in your humidifier daily to use the device hygienically. Also, even if water remains in the water tank, you must ensure to discard all remaining water and replace it with new water before use daily. 

I understand this routine may be a bit of work for you to do every day, that’s if you use your humidifier frequently. I equally find it tasking at first to change the water in my humidifier daily.

Also, I ensure that I rinse the tank thoroughly or use a soft sponge to wash the basin when it’s dirty. I have to do all these so I can get the maximum benefits out of my humidifier. 

There’s a need for you to stick to this daily routine to enable your humidifier functions efficiently. Besides, changing the water regularly to help prevent the growth of molds, bacteria, germs, and the accumulation of mineral deposits on the surface of the tank of your humidifier. 

Mistakes Made When Changing the Water in a Humidifier’s tank.

Many people using humidifiers are usually guilty of these two mistakes mentioned below.

1). Using Unfiltered Tap water in your humidifier 

One thing I did when I initially bought my humidifier was using tap water. Hence from my experience, I won’t encourage anyone to use tap water because of the health implications it may cause.

Tap water usually contains deposits of mineral particles. When you put it in your device tank, the mineral particles will be split and dispersed into the air; this can cause the formation of white dust mineral residue in the tank and around the room. Furthermore, unfiltered water can promote the growth of bacteria inside the humidifier. 

2). You allowed Water to Sit in Your humidifier for days before changing it.

When you allow water to sit in your humidifier for several days and also use your machine during such a period, you shouldn’t be surprised to see the formation of a film on the top. This can promote the growth of bacteria in the enclosed tank. Hence you should empty the water regularly and clean the tank even when not in use.

Having emphasized the need for you to change the water in the humidifier daily, you have to understand that doing this alone is not enough to make your machine function well. You must also carry out proper maintenance on your machine to enjoy the best features out of it. 

3 Essential Tips On How To Maintain Your Humidifier

To get the best out of your humidifier and to prevent the breeding of germs and other harmful organisms, you must ensure to clean and maintain your device correctly. Below are three ways to keep your device free from harmful microorganisms and minerals deposits.

#1. Endeavor to Wash the water tank. 

To wash the tank of your humidifier correctly, you must follow these steps:

  • You should detach the tank from your humidifier and empty the old water.
  • Then you pour about 3 cups of vinegar into the tank, swish it around and allow to sit for 1 hour. The vinegar, a natural cleanser, usually helps loosen build-up of any sort on any part of the tank.
  • Then rinse the tank thoroughly, and use a scrub to brush away any grime you notice on the bottom of the tank. You can repeat the process severally until the dirt has been removed successfully.

#2. Ensure to rinse the filter regularly

To rinse the humidifier properly, you can follow these steps:

  • Before cleaning the filter, you must first make sure to unplug the humidifier before removing the filter. 
  • Then you can place it under the faucet and rinse it with cold water to wash off any deposit. 
  • Make sure you set it on a clean towel to dry before you clean the remaining parts.
  • Avoid using a cleaning solution to clean the filter. This can damage the screen and render it useless.
  • Some models of humidifiers require you to change the filter more often than not. Hence always endeavor to check the instructions on your device manual and change the filter as recommended. 

#3. Ensure to Wipe down the frame regularly.

This is a straightforward maintenance routine. You can use a sponge dampened with vinegar and water to wipe the remaining parts of the humidifier.

This can protect dust and other debris from entering the water tank and prevent the growth of mold or build-up of mineral deposits. 


Finally, I want to say, based on my experience, changing the water in your humidifier’s tank often will not only increase the efficiency of the machine but also help it to last longer.

If you allow water to sit in the water tank of your humidifier over a long period, you shouldn’t be surprised to see the build-up of mineral deposits on the bottom and sides. 

Also, remember that the longer you leave the water sitting there, the higher the chances of accumulation of harmful germs and other deposits, which can become difficult to remove. Hence you must Change your water daily to prevent the growth of bacteria and build-up of deposits.