Best Hot Air Furnace Humidifier

What are furnace humidifiers? The furnace humidifiers are specially made humidifiers that have a direct connection to your home’s heating system hence, humidifying the house alongside the heating system. We reviewed the Best Hot Air Furnace Humidifier in this article. These furnace humidifiers also come in different types ranging from the flow-through to the reservoir and steam humidifier types.

These various kinds of furnace humidifiers either use freshwater technology, water reservoir or steam means to humidify the entire house.

The flow-through humidifier is mostly chosen by users due to its reliability and hygiene level. You do not also spend much cash on acquiring or mounting it and require just a little electricity for functionality.

Normally, you just connect the flow-through humidifier to the cold air return duct for your furnace and use a humidifier supply takeoff duct to link it to the hot-air supply.

This takeoff duct conducts heated air diversion into the humidifier so that it can grip moisture from an evaporator pad and in turn, return the warm air through the cold-air return duct before it reaches the furnace.

However, there are some models of the flow-through humidifiers that do not require a supply takeoff duct.

What Do You Use Furnace Humidifiers for?

The aim of installing a furnace humidifier is to neutralize your home furnace’s drying effect. Aside from that, it can also do the same in your offices. When the air lacks humidity, you or your pets will surely have the symptoms. Thus, your central humidifiers will humidify the whole house utilizing water vapor or moisture.

When the humidity level of your house is lower than 30%, you can experience some health challenges like infections, nosebleeds, respiratory problems, etc. 

Apart from you being affected by this humidity level, your plants can also dehydrate, your hard floors could begin cracking, your wooden door could experience warps, and the musical instrument could begin to fail.

 Hence, not only does the lack of humidity affects you or your pet but it also affects your belongings. It is for this reason you need a humidifier so that you do not lose goods as well as money to keep up with health issues.

Buying Guide: Best Hot Air Furnace Humidifier

The need to buy a humidifier also depends on your area of residence. You could be living in a place where you find low humidity in winter and of course, you will need a furnace humidifier. But before you purchase your humidifier, you should consider these three kinds of humidifiers.

Steam Humidifier

Just like a vaporizer, you can employ for medicinal reasons, the steam humidifier functions by heating Water till it attains the boiling point level and the steam gently purifies the atmosphere. They are quite costly to purchase and install but they do not relent in satisfying you with the right amount of humidity. 

Also, their health benefits make them better than other types as they use water boiling techniques to disinfect the water. Most users do complain however, that the steam affects the ductwork as it rusts with time.

Evaporative Humidifier

Among the three kinds of humidifiers, this is the least expensive in the market. It has an evaporator part resembling a drum which is covered by foam or mesh padding. As it runs, the drum revolves, thereby dipping the pad into the water pan.

One disadvantage of this kind is the possibility of the pan to hold stagnant water for a long time which in turn breeds molds or bacteria. If you get a flow-through model, then it can’t keep stagnant water or harbour bacteria.

Aerosol Humidifier

Most people do not make use of the aerosol humidifier due to the fact you will maintain it regularly. It functions by spraying water mist into the atmosphere which in turn humidifies the house.

The clogging which occurs at the nozzle is the reason for its regular maintenance and if this happens, the water will fall unto the furnace. It can also bring about the poor functioning of the unit.

5 Best Hot Air Furnace Humidifier

When you have found the kind of humidifier you want, you also have to check the model you want. In the humidifying market, there are a lot of models and manufacturers so we have drawn up a list of the top 5 so you can make your choice carefully. These are:

#1. GeneralAire 1000A Fan-Powered Whole House Humidifier  

GeneralAire 1000A Humidifier

This humidifier model can supply your whole home through your ducts with 18 gallons of mist in just 24 hours. It can as well serve the entire house as it gives your air comfort and health so that you can breathe happily. It functions by the aid of a fan and lets you switch between manual and automatic operation. 

The GFX3 digital automatic humidistat is one of the features which interests several users as it ascertains your air’s humidity level and adjusts it to the perfect level.  

Check the price of this product

#2. Aprilaire 700 Whole House Humidifier  

Aprilaire 700 Whole House Humidifier  

When you talk of space size, you talk of the Aprilaire 700 that can serve a space size of 4,200 square feet. Every hour, this excellent humidifier supplies you with 0.75 gallons of mist as it moisturizes your home while relieving health issues.

It has an easy installation process so you do not require the assistance of a professional to mount it. It has in-built sensors that check the relative humidity and temperature of the atmosphere.  You can operate these sensors either manually or automatically. 

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#3. Honeywell HE360A Whole House Powered Humidifier – Best Value Humidifier

Whole House Powered Humidifier

The brand name, Honeywell, is very popular in the world and of course, you can trust them with their humidifiers. You wouldn’t be surprised to find that their best furnace humidifier is the Honeywell HE 360A Whole-House Humidifier which can serve a whopping 4,200 square feet of space size. It is the flow-through kind of humidifier that lets you mount it at either the return air duct or the warm air supply. 

It does not require regular heavy maintenance or cleaning and is perfect for you in the winter seasons. It is powered by the aid of a fan and saves energy and water during its functionality.

However, you cannot easily mount it or set it up so you will need the help of a professional so that you can enjoy the steady humidification it provides.

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#4. Honeywell By-Pass Flow-through Humidifier

Honeywell By-Pass Flow-through Humidifier

The Honeywell HE280 covers space size as it moistens the air constantly and steadily. It has a PerfectFLO water distribution tray that lets it save water so you do not worry about much expenditure on your water bills. 

Aside from that, it is very energy efficient and makes use of the by-pass operation. 4,000 square feet and devotes to keeping the whole house at ideal humidity levels. The humidifier also comes along with some special kits for installation and this lets you do it all by yourself. With the kits, you do not need to employ the assistance of a professional.

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#5. GeneralAire 1137 Humidifier

GeneralAire 1137 Humidifier

Powered by a fan operation, the 1137 GeneralAire humidifier delivers you home with 21.3 gallons of mist in 24 hours. The humidifier is very easy to install and wouldn’t require you to go seeking a professional to carry out your installation.

It humidifies your entire house by absorbing the air in which the furnace heats up and sends it through a pad, dampened by water. This pad then absorbs the additional vapor and sends it back so that the humidifier can humidify the air.

It has a water tray at the bottom which meters the water before dispersing out air. If there is still water left in the tray, it automatically exits from below the unit. This is done to prevent minerals from building up in the tray. 

There is also a special MXH3 humidistat that aids in measuring the air moisture so that it can humidify the air until it gets to the standard humidity level.

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How To Care For Your Humidifier 

The maintenance of your humidifier is paramount and should be highly adhered to. The cleaning aims to ensure you eradicate mineral deposits and other dirt that can settle on them. This maintenance is advisable to be done at least one time in a year as it is with all furnace humidifiers.

When you take good care of your humidifiers, you’ll enjoy healthy air. Also, the maintenance of your humidifier will depend on the kind of humidifier you are purchasing.


During the winter season, your furnace will be very helpful to warm the air in your tightly-built house. However, the furnace will function with the help of the air already in your house and since you will in there for long hours, you will suffer various illnesses or symptoms if the air is not clean.

Hence, this is the need for a humidifier so that while you are enjoying the warmth of the furnace, you are also enjoying the provision of clean air. You can easily install some of the humidifiers while some of them will require professional installation.

 These furnace humidifiers come in various types but we have made sure you get the best out of our top five best humidifiers in the market. With it, you are sure of clean air and enjoy the winter period better. 

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