Can A Humidifier Cause Pneumonia?

Many homes use a humidifier to make the home comfortable in a period of low humidity relieve the discomfort that comes with low humidity which is caused by dry air, which could result in cond cracked lips, dry skin, sore throat, and other respiratory issues. As a result, it is easy for people to think that their humidifier is the culprit when they develop a respiratory problem and other lung infections.

However, concluding that a humidifier could cause pneumonia is a rather unfair general statement. But before we do justice to the topic: can humidifier cause pneumonia? Let’s consider what pneumonia is. 

Pneumonia: Definition and Causes

Typically, when you breathe, the air moves in and out of the lungs. But when one develops pneumonia, fluid fills the alveoli of the lung (air sacs). When one develops pneumonia, here are the symptoms

  • Difficulty and rapid breathing
  • Painful breathing at times
  • Coughing 
  • Fever

Either bacteria or viruses can cause pneumonia. Pneumonia caused by a virus is mild when compared to bacterial pneumonia. A high fever characterizes bacterial pneumonia with excessive temperatures. It is an infection that affects the lungs, one or both. The air sacs become inflamed, which triggers the symptoms highlighted above. 

According to reports from Mayo Clinic, kids below the age of 2 years and adults over 65 years of age are pretty susceptible to pneumonia. This is due to their undeveloped or weak immune system. When you consider the working principle of a humidifier, it is easy to think it is responsible for causing pneumonia. This is because fungi, bacteria, or virus present in the air also triggers it.

Can Humidifier Cause Pneumonia?

One of the major concerns many people have is whether their humidifier is the cause of pneumonia. It is normal to want to prevent you and your loved ones from getting infected. As indicated earlier, the working principle of the humidifier could make it easier for one to conclude that it is responsible for pneumonia. 

Indeed, when you do not keep your humidifiers clean, it could harbor harmful fungi, bacteria and other microorganism. You, however, can avoid this by maintaining a clean humidifier because a clean humidifier is a healthy humidifier that is primal to your health. In cleaning a humidifier, try and soak all parts in a 10% bleach solution. Make sure you rinse with enough water and dry well.

This should be your habit every two days, ideally to make it uncomfortable for mold, bacteria, or viruses to thrive. A healthy humidifier can even help you recover quickly from pneumonia. In further sections, we will explore some safety and cleaning precautions to ensure your humidifier does not turn to a health hazard for you and your household. 

Hence, if you are wondering: If humidifier causes pneumonia? The answer is no.

Is a Humidifier Good for Pneumonia?

Interestingly, a humidifier can help alleviate the symptoms of pneumonia. You, however, have to be careful. Besides, you should dedicate time to clean the device at least thrice a week. Also, avoid using tap water but distilled water that has not been compromised with minerals. Also, you should keep tabs on the humidity level of your space.

Humidifier also helps ease breathing as it keeps the nasal passage moist. This also relieves congestion in the nasal cavity. For optimum level and good health, the humidity level of your room should be kept at an optimum level.

Without a doubt, an excellent and effective humidifier can help with pneumonia. It, however, must be used in the right way. The next section will explore how you can use a humidifier to relieve pneumonia.

Using a Humidifier to Help With Pneumonia 

For you to understand how a humidifier helps with pneumonia, we must examine how a humidifier works. It is different from a dehumidifier that removes excess moisture from home. This is also essential to a healthy and safe environment. Also, it helps keep your space safe from mold and other bacteria.

A humidifier, on the other hand, enhances the quality of air in yours. This is especially true of people living in a dry region, or during the warm months. The humidifier adds moisture to your home, making you comfortable, making breathing easier, and moistening your nasal passage.

Even though dry air helps with some disease, it is not all. As a result, you need a good humidifier to help alleviate the symptoms of pneumonia and other associated disease. 

Dealing with pneumonia is a pretty difficult situation. The good news is that you can relieve the symptoms without spending a lot on hospital costs and medications. One of the signs of pneumonia is chest congestion. If you have a good humidifier, it will help moisten the nasal package and free up your airways. This makes it easier to breathe.

A humidifier releases cool, moist air, which helps people suffering from pneumonia and other related issues to breathe comfortably. As a result, there is no issue about using a humidifier for people with pneumonia. It aids breathing, which relieves the symptoms of pneumonia.

Interestingly, there are specific humidifiers that are made solely to help alleviate pneumonia. You can check Homech cool-mist humidifier or Honeywell HCM 350W Germ-Free cool mist humidifier on Amazon. 

Maintaining Your Humidifier 

Without a doubt, a healthy humidifier is a clean humidifier. Considering the mode of operation of a humidifier, it is important to keep them in top condition. This limits the risk of compromising your humidifier with bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.

The following will explore a summary of how to maintain your humidifier. 

Regularly Change the Humidifier Water

Endeavor to change the water in your device every day. The reason is glaring; stagnant water provides a perfect breeding ground for microorganisms like mold and virus. As a result, make sure you drain the water reservoir of your unit daily. After this, be sure to refill with clean and fresh water, but not tap water

Use De-mineralized or Distilled Water

While it is important to refill your humidifier daily, you should not use any type of water. Regular tap water, for instance, is not a good idea due to its level of mineral content. This type of water compromises the air quality of your space which affects the air that gets into your lungs.

This is why you need distilled water. Distilled water will not break down into harmful chemicals. As a result, breathing this in will make you safe, without compromising your lungs. 

Clean the Humidifier few days a week 

For you to be safe, be sure to dedicate time to clean the humidifier. This involves the water tank, especially. Using a soft brush, you can thoroughly clean the inside of the water tank.

Make sure you clean the interior well, and rinse with enough water, wipe with a damp cloth. In addition, the entire component should be dried before you assemble it and fill with distilled water.

Only use a Natural Cleaning Solution Humidifier

If you use any other detergent, especially the harmful ones, it could introduce harmful chemicals into the air. This is especially important for victims of allergies and asthma. Also, it is important for people that are extra sensitive to certain chemicals.

Some harsh chemicals can introduce residues that could irritate users. As a result, we recommend using natural white vinegar. Not only will this work as a disinfectant, but you can also use it as a deodorant. It will get rid of the mineral buildup and also disinfect the surfaces.

Consider a Humidifier that uses UV Germicidal Light

Some humidifiers come with specialized UV light, which acts as an exterminator for bacteria and other pathogens. This ensures that before the water is sanitized or harmless before introduction into your living space.

This humidifier uses UV light in addition to steam vapor to kill off 99% of bacteria, germs, and other microorganisms. This unit does not emit white dust; hence, it does not trigger asthma and helps with pneumonia.

Conclusion: Does Humidifier Causes Pneumonia?

Without a doubt, a humidifier does not cause pneumonia. Rather, they can help alleviate the symptoms. Be sure to purchase the right type of humidifier if you want to get relief with pneumonia.

As a result, you can consider getting a humidifier. It will not hurt you or trigger any breathing difficulty. On the other hand, it can help clear your nasal passage; hence it can help you get back on your feet.

In using a humidifier, make sure you clean it regularly and observe the maintenance procedures that come in the manual. This will help prevent the infestation of mold and microorganism, which could trigger other health issues.