How to get rid of dust flying around the room: The dust problem is almost as old as the invention of houses, and over time many have resulted in losing the war against dust in homes. Are they wrong? Well, yes and no.
Yes, because in the real sense, no one can get rid of dust completely from the house. It is a weekly steady job with only one remedy, clean, clean, and keep cleaning. However, the aim of combating dust is to reduce to the bare minimum where they can cause no harm.
In truth, specks of dust are actually harmful to the human body. Consisting of several particles put together (including dead skin cells, pollutants, allergens, etc.), dust getting into the body is really dangerous and could cause a whole lot of problems, especially for those with an already weak immune system or respiratory disorder.
For this reason, it is crucial you don’t just look above those harmless appearing dust particles at home. Don’t worry about the ones that you can see most of the time, the one as little as 0.3 microns in size, which pretty much you can’t see at all, wrecks a whole lot more havocs along every path it threads.
This article would be specific in answering questions pertaining to dust in the home and, ultimately, how to get rid of them, or instead reduce to the bare minimum.
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Our Top Rated Dust Removing Air Purifier

The LEVOIT Air Purifier is our pick for the air purifier for removing airborne dust.
Equipped with a state-of-the-art air filter, this compact yet powerful device is your ultimate solution for maintaining a clean, healthy, and allergen-free environment. Ideal for small spaces, it efficiently removes dust particles, ensuring the air you breathe is fresh and pure. Perfect for those seeking relief from allergens and a cleaner living space, our air purifier stands out as a must-have in every modern home.
Where Does House Dust Come From?
Even after packing into that newly built or renovated home with top-notch aeration design and complete sealing, staying for as little as a week, one would quickly realize dust appearing across all the window glides and picture frames.
It’s almost like they crawl over some and ignore the others. In the real sense, they crawl up on everything, but the ones you handle frequently are indirectly cleaned by your touch, so the dust cannot accumulate enough to become visible.
How and where did the dust come from? Well, clouds of dust aren’t only dead skin cells as many believe, but rather vary in composition depending on the type of home and content of things around. Some other components are pollutants, waste, animal dander, insect waste, soil, food particles, furniture particles, and many more, and the list is endless.
All these come together to form dust in different compositions, or just merely one in substantial quantity. Depending on the composition of dust in question, it could be visible to the eyes or not too.
Is it Normal to See Dust Particles Flying In the Room?
YES. But before we go on to answer that question, let’s describe a bit of what dust particles are and the various sizes that exist.
Dust particles are measured by what is called micron, which is essentially a unit for extra tiny particles, with one micron being about 1/25,400 of an inch.
The dust particles are about 10 microns in diameter and you can see it easily with the naked eyes. You actually inhale them through the nostrils and mouth, laying bare on the surface, but are too big to go further down into the body.
Smaller than those, however, are the more dangerous types. Very tiny and about 0.3 microns in size, they can go further into your body than the larger particles, as far as your lungs, causing all sorts of problems after accumulating over time.
There is also a smaller type of dust which we call the ultra-fine particles, which are much smaller and can go as far as entering into the bloodstream. Large-sized dust particles find it challenging to stay in the air, though you might see them temporarily, they would ultimately fall to the ground.
On the other hand, you can’t see smaller particle sizes at all. Therefore, it might happen that you see dust particles flying all over your room, but it would be mostly temporarily. Seeing dust particles is not abnormal at all.
Do Air purifiers Remove or Reduce Dusts?
Air purifiers or cleaners is one of man’s answer to the problem of dust, it has been for a long time now, but requires one departs with a considerable sum of money before you indulge its services, which does many wonders if it actually does what they say it does.
A quick answer to this is yes and yes. It both removes and reduces dust. Air purifiers work by drawing in air from the atmosphere and forcing it through layers of filters, with each filter designed to address specific contaminants in the air drawn in, after the filtration process, it releases this air back into the atmosphere.
This process is repeated over and over again. Therefore in the actual sense, we cannot say that an air purifier actually removes dust because that would mean it’s away for good, and dust never goes away entirely; trust me.
Regardless of how much cleaning and air purification done, dust always seems to crawl back into the house, and you can never really eradicate it completely, therefore air purifiers cannot wholly remove dust. They only reduce it to the bare minimum, taking out more as soon as they arrive from various destinations.
Which Air Purifier is Best for Removing Dust?
Air purifiers today come in various sizes and quality to match, making it all the more vital that you get it right in choosing the best type that would do just what you need, and maybe even a bit more.
Concerning how to get rid of dust flying in your room, there are certain qualities to look out for and are a must for a unit to be able to tackle dust problems efficiently.
Firstly, you should know that before looking out for the features we would be discussing shortly, the air purifier should be able to serve the room size in which you intend using it.
Imagine having a top-quality product, with all the best filters there is but is built for a room of just about 100sqft in size, and you are placing it to work in one of about 700ssqft. Regardless of how good the device is, it would be rendered totally powerless due to a lack of required size capacity.
Going on to the features to look out for, a True HEPA filter comes out top as the highest priority when selecting an air purifier for dust. It has a potent filtration capacity and is able to capture up to 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, which is just right for dust particles.
Another thing to look out for is the CADR rating, which tells exactly how fast an air purifier would clean a specific amount of dust in a specific time. It basically tells you how quickly it recycles the air in the room within a time frame. An ionic filter also comes in handy, as it would help to capture dust easier.
How do Air Filters Work to Remove Dust Particles?
A properly designed and effective air purifier gets rid of dust by actually drawing them into itself, then filtering before releasing back into the atmosphere. In part, how dense the filter is would determine and limit the amount and size of particles passing through.
These filters could be dense or pleated in kind. The dense type has really smaller gaps, allowing very few and many tiny particles to go through only, and pleated filters have an increased surface area for catching more particles. This mostly applies to pre-filters.
HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, on the other hand, could be designed in any way or made with any material, as far as it meets the standard, which is as penetration of less than 0.03 percent of particles 0.3 microns in size or larger.
There could also be other filters or filtration mechanisms for proper cleaning, before released into the atmosphere.
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What are Other Ways to Eliminate Dust in the House?
Asides from running an air purifier, it is also expedient that you do other things to rid or reduce the dust particles flying all over the room. This is why we have put together a few extra things that would be beneficial for dust tackling asides running an air purifier.
The most crucial action to take on how to get rid of dust floating in the air is cleaning, as in literally cleaning the old way. Ensure you wipe everything in the home, ranging from furniture to gadgets and the windows on a weekly basis, as this is sure to reduce dust to a great extent drastically.
We also endeavor you to clean beddings and closet on a weekly basis, because they mostly serve as a significant dust collector and filled with everything ranging from dead skins to fabric fiber.
Fabric softer is another thing you might want to consider when trying to get rid of dust. They work by reducing static electricity cling to objects like televisions and computers that are electrically chargeable and hence attractive for the dust to settle on. When cleaning those, ensure you use a fabric softener in dampening the cleaning cloth before wiping electronics.
How to Prevent Dust From Entering the Home After Removal?
The most effective first line of defense against dust is prevention, and yes, it’s quite all right that you are well equipped to kick them out every time they get in, but you should also look to stop them from getting in initially. This way, you would have a lesser job to do inside the home.
How do you do I achieve this? Well, you should start by always keeping the humidity level in your house between 40 and 50%, in order to reduce static electricity which attracts dust into the home. Also, try to keep out the amount of soil dust particles in the home by having a heavy-duty foot mat at every entrance to the home for proper foot cleaning.
Also, prefer wood, metal, or plastic blinds to drapes, as they are much easier to clean regardless of the dust it accumulates, with a cloth. However, if you have drapes, we recommend using vacuum rods or valances first, before cleaning the length with a vacuum brush on lower suction.
Our Final Take on Getting Rid of Flying Dust in the Room
It is essential to understand the reason for and dangers of flying dust in the air in the room and around the home and also take quick action to eliminate them. Remember, the most dangerous ones are those that aren’t visible to the eyes, always floating, and, when inhaled, can go as far as settling in the human lungs.
Get an air purifier, while observing all the discused prevention and reduction tips for dealing with dust, knowing that although you cannot eliminate dust entirely from home, it can be reduced to a bare minimum level, where its presence would make little or no difference in the home.
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