With the rising concerns about poor air quality over time, nobody can under-estimate the place of an air purifier as far as being healthy in any home environment goes. An air purifier purifies pollutants or allergens floating in the air and this way helps purify indoor air. Here in this article are the top reasons why an air purifier finds its way and place in our homes for effective health and happiness. 1. Quality Indoor Air Most air purifiers are capable of significantly enhancing the quality of indoor air. In most homes, one finds replete with dust, pet dander, pollen, mold spores, and volatile organic compounds or VOCs. These contaminants can stagnate in the air and cause a multitude of illnesses. Here is how an air purifier can make a difference: Filters Out Toxic Particles: Advanced air cleaners carry HEPA filters, that filter out particles up to the size of 0.3 microns- trapping as high as 99.97 percent. All those include allergens, dusts, and various dangerous contaminants-all the unwanted chemicals reduced greatly.Erads all odors; with a combination of neutralizers of nasty odors which comes with kitchen … Read more