Can You Use a Humidifier in an RV?

The truth is that the extra moisture inside your RV will allow the mildew and mold to develop while destroying some of the secret structural elements that are located within the automobile. If, however, temperature drops and humidity seems too low, you should have a humidifier to ensure your RV is moisture-free.

If your outside temperature falls beneath freezing as you drive, there is yet another issue. The moisture in your RV may cause your windows to condense and freeze.

You can open windows to solve the issue by reducing moisture and avoiding the freezing of your windows. Most RV users have also noticed that they have to take handwritten notes, food items, and other miscellaneous items off the wall so that they don’t get stuck or frozen in the process.

What is The Best Humidity Level for an RV?

You will have to acquire a humidistat to find the right moisture level for your RV. These small tools measure the level of humidity in your RV and let you know if it becomes very high.

Once this method is enabled and available for use, you will modify humidity levels to guarantee that the preferred humidity level is achieved. The optimal moisture content of an RV can vary depending upon its scale, but it typically gets in when it reaches 40%.

Several RV users noticed that 25% of the humidity they drive through was perfect for them. You might have to do several checks of errors here and there to discover the perfect humidity level, but exceeding 45% allows too much humidity inside.

If you intend to get a humidifier, the only major issue you should take into account is the fact that you need to get one that fits your RV in size.

How to make Use of a Humidifier in your RV

A concern with RVs is that they have hiding places that can grow molds. You may not know till it’s too late to see you have allowed excess moisture inside.

It will be continuous experimentation until the right combination of airflow, external heat, and humidifiers are available. Although too much moisture can cause health problems, too little could deform your RV physically.

For example, the reduced humidity will affect the structure of all wooden products inside the truck or vehicle as well as the furniture inside. Moving from severe to severe also poses problems. You have to understand where the good mix is with all its contents for every individual in your family and the RV as well. 

Best Quality Humidifier’s suitable for RV’s

For an RV or truck, the most powerful moisturizer is the one measured for the size of the vehicle. It’s just good to get a smaller one if you plan to buy more than one. A too-small humidifier only helps selected areas while the remaining RV becomes exposed to warm air. 

For example, the RV and the interior decorating of the truck rest on your preference. If you have many doors and windows, it may be your only option to go with the smaller ones and buy many. 

Below are the lists of suitable humidifiers that will best suit the requirement of your RV:

  • Vicks Warm Mist Humidifier:  Suitable for medium spaces, also with water vessel of 1 gallon.
  • Portable USB Humidifier:  It makes use of around 150 ml of water. This micro humidifier can canvas over a very minimal space.
  • Tao Tronic Humidifier:  The 4-liter container makes it operates throughout the night. It spans over 320 sq ft in the room.
  • SPT SU-4010 Humidifier With a 1-gallon tank for usage, this humidifier can also canvas spaces of up to 500 sq ft, coming with a supersonic design, the efficiency might be what you have been looking for all along.
  • Crane Adorable Humidifier:  Using a 1 gallon of water vessel, it can canvas 250 sq. feet, and its portable size makes it simple to use, thus making it a user-friendly choice for RV usage.


Though most individuals that own RVs don’t make use of humidifiers, I’ll advise you give it a try today, but remember that you can’t have too much neither can you have too little humidity in your RV.

Understanding this balance will make your experience as an RV owner an awesome one.